ISSN 2522-4468

Просмотр собрания по группе - Авторы Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович

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2020A low-temperature X-ray diffraction study of the CU2ZNSNSE4 thin films on a mo foil substrateStanchik, Alena Viktorovna; Chumak, V. A.; Gremenok, Valery Feliksovich; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Shoukavaya, T. V.; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2007Analysis of the composition of Ti-based thin films deposited on silicon by means of self-ion assisted depositionTashlykov, I. S.; Zukowski, P. V.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Mikhalkovich, O. M.; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2007Composition and structure of thin metal films deposited on solid and nonrigid materialsTashlykov, I. S.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Veres, O. G.; Ташлыков, Игорь Серафимович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Верес, О. Г.
2021Cyclic thermal desorption as a mechanism for identifying conductivity in condensed filmsDolgiy, Valerii Kazimirovich; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Misevich, Alexey Vasilievich; Pochtenny, Artem Evgenevich; Долгий, Валерий Казимирович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Мисевич, Алексей Васильевич; Почтенный, Артем Евгеньевич
2024Degradation of sensory elements induced by external potentialBaraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Pavlovich, Ivan Alexandrovich; Murodov, Muzaffar; Abdulkhaev, Kh.; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Павлович, Иван Александрович
2009Elemental analysis of rapidly solidified Al-Cr alloy foils by RBS methodTashlykova-Bushkevich, I. I.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Shikagawa, T.; Itoh, G.; Shepelevich, V. G.; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2008Elemental composition, topography, and wettability of the surface of graphite modified by ion-assisted deposition of chromium coatingsTashlykov, I. S.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2024Ensuring the reliability of energy systems through the application of a new method for introducing soil-replacement mixtures during the installation of deep grounding devicesPavlovich, Ivan Alexandrovich; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Murodov, Muzaffar; Abdulkhayev, Khurshed; Павлович, Иван Александрович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2023Ensuring the reliability of energy systems with the application of a new method of decreasing seasonal variations of ground resistancePavlovich, Ivan Alexandrovich; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Skripko, A.; Павлович, Иван Александрович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Скрипко, Алексей Николаевич
2021Features of the formation of thin films of functional coatings deposited on silicon by ion-beam sputtering of Mo, Cr, WBaraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Dolgiy, Valerii Kazimirovich; Shevchenok, Aleksandr Arkadevich; Wiertel, M; Budzynski, M.; Turavets, Anton Ivanovich; Mikhalkovich, Oleg Mikhailovich; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Долгий, Валерий Казимирович; Шевченок, Александр Аркадьевич; Виртель, М.; Будзинский, М.; Туровец, Антон Иванович; Михалкович, Олег Михайлович
2020Heat transfer at electrochemical treatment of organic dispersed hydraulic sistemsZayats, E. M.; Chorny, A. D.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Krivovyazenko, D. I.; Yanko, M. V.; Заяц, Евгений Михайлович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Кривовязенко, Денис Иванович; Янко, Максим Валерьевич
2018Influence of the substrate type on the surface morphology of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin filmsBaraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Tkachenka, Tamara Mikhailovna; Stanchik, Alena Viktorovna; Gremenok, Valery Feliksovich; Bashkirov, Semyon Alexandrovich; Wiertelc, M.; Budzynskic, M.; Turovets, Anton Ivanovich; Yakovenko, Y. S.; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2019Investigation of the properties of magnetocaloric Mn1-xFexNiGe (0.05 < x < 0.30) filmsTkachenka, Tamara Mikhailovna; Mitsiuk, Viktor Iosifovich; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Turovets, Anton Ivanovich; Ткаченко, Тамара Михайловна; Митюк, Виктор Иосифович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Туровец, Антон Иванович
2021A low-temperature X-ray diffraction study of the Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin filmsStanchik, Alena Viktorovna; Chumak, V. A.; Gremenok, Valery Feliksovich; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Станчик, Алена Викторовна; Чумак, В. А.; Гременок, Валерий Феликсович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2024Methods for Calculating the Resistance of Grounding Devices with Backfilling Special CompositionsDrako, M.; Pavlovich, Ivan Alexandrovich; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Павлович, Иван Александрович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2024Mossbauer and magnetic study of Mn(Fe)NiGeBudzynski, M.; Surowiec, Z.; Tkachenka, T. M.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Gurbanovich, S. G.; Gurbanovich, A.V.; Rimski, G. S.; Mitsiuk, Viktor Iosifovich; Будзинский, М.; Ткаченко, Тамара Михайловна; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2008Structural and phase analysis of rapidly solidified al–fe alloysTashlykova-Bushkevich, I. I.; Gut’ko, E. S.; Shepelevich, V. G.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2007Structure and Damage of Silicon Modified by Means of Thin Films Ion Assisted DepositionTashlykov, I. S.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Mikhalkovich, O. M.; Antonovich, I. P.; Ташлыков, Игорь Серафимович; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович; Михалкович, Олег Михайлович; Антонович, И. П.
2014Surface Properties of Me/Si Structures Prepared by Means of Self-Ion Assisted DepositionTashlykova, I.; Zukowski, P.; Mikhalkovich, O.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович
2020Tendencies in the design of the grounding devices for the electrical installations of the belarusian energy systemDrako, M.; Baraishuk, Sergey Mikhailovich; Барайшук, Сергей Михайлович